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Navigating a World of Bitcoins, Cryptocurrency, and the Blockchain: What is it and how is it influencing international trade?

  • Friday, October 25, 2019
  • 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM
  • Design Resources, 7007 College Blvd, Suite 500, Overland Park, KS 66211
  • 4


  • If Corporate or NonProfit/Academic members are registering more than one person from their organization for this event, they may register these persons as "Guests" at the same time they are entering their registration.
  • Non-members may register other non-members for this event as "Guests" at the same time they are entering their own event registration.

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We've all heard of Bitcoin, the most widely known cryptocurrency, but what is the Blockchain technology behind it? Why is it considered so revolutionary and disruptive?  And why is international business so central to the applications on Blockchain, far beyond financial?   Ilya Tabakh, Kansas City scholar, entrepreneur, and Blockchain thought leader, will take us through where we are and where we are going!

Ilya Tabakh

CEO of Blockchain Productivity, Inc.

Organizer of

Come join us for breakfast on October's Fourth Friday to talk about Bitcoin blockchain with Ilya, a thought leader on this quickly changing technology, and its implications for international business.

Free parking is available on site.

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