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Annual Meeting Recap

Wednesday, October 04, 2023 9:51 PM | Heidi Stevens (Administrator)

Passing The Gavel 

The 78th annual ITC Meeting was held Thursday September 28th at the KC Chamber Board Room. During opening remarks from outgoing president Joe Lohman, he spoke to the history of ITC and the impact it has had upon him as a leader, the community, and the opportunities it has extended as well. His role at both Port KC and within ITC has given him the unique view of how Hunt Midwest has changed the landscape of Kansas City, both literally and figuratively. 

Former President Lohman also took the time to recognize all the changes within ITC as well. The most notable being the stepping down of Mary Odom as ITC's executive director. The impact she has had from an organizational presence, as well as just a steady voice, cannot be overstated. ITC has grown under her direction, and we were all thankful that she was able to attend, so we could celebrate her impact!

The keynote speaker, Mr. Mike Bell, from Hunt Midwest engaged the audience with stories of the past and visions of the future. Linking Subtropolis, French traders, French Pharmaceuticals, car manufacturing, and Worlds of Fun can only be done when you have solid ties and a foundation rooted in Kansas City, like Hunt Midwest does. Mr. Bell also showed how Kansas City is vital when it comes to the distribution of goods. The central location being crucial to the immediate gratification that we, as a country, have become accustomed to.  

Following the keynote speech, ITC expressed its thanks for outgoing Board members David Clark and Beau Jackson. The results of the 2023-24 elections were also announced with Ms. Lillie Moore, Ms. Jaime Sikes and Ms. Anh Sirridge all returning to the board. They are joined by Ms. Sarah Engber and Mr. Bernardo Zito Porto, all serving three-year terms.

The executive board was also announced, with Mr. Joe Lohman staying as the treasurer and Ms. Anna Grossman returning as secretary.  Mr. Caleb Hall was instated as Vice President and Ms. Ruiping Ramboldt as President. 

As a gesture of continuity, past president Lohman passed the gavel to Vice President Hall who accepted for President Ramboldt in her absence.


Vice President Hall concluded the meeting with a message of unity. Speaking of how ITC gives the opportunity for competitors to work together to make Kansas City an international force. 

Thank you to all who attended, to Miller and Co, Bestway, PortKC, and Scarbrough International. And thank you to our co-host the World Trade Center- Kansas City. We are looking forward to a great new year!

© 2021 International Trade Council of Greater Kansas City

ITCGKC is a 501(c)3 Organization

The International Trade Council of Greater Kansas City is a network of international business professionals, educators, and students that actively work with each other and the community to build a stronger support system for international trade in the Kansas City region.

PO Box 12340
Kansas City, MO 64116


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